What Is CSR and How to Implement It?

Companies and businesses are indebted to the communities in which they operate. As a result, businesses are expected to undertake specific, actionable steps to benefit society, known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

This expectation is a tangible and economic paradigm that improves the lives of those in the immediate community and brings quantifiable benefits to the company. In addition, larger companies may be mandated by governmental authorities to implement CSR activities.

This article critically evaluates what CSR is and how you can implement it in your organization.

Facts about CSR

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has its roots in philanthropy and charity. Although it may seem like CSR is driven by altruism, it has tangible financial and business benefits to companies. Businesses operating in living and breathing communities should contribute to them positively. 

– Companies that seek to improve people’s quality of life exceed stock market expectations by 120%.

– Companies with clear CSR goals have a 50% higher chance of expanding into newer markets.

– 88% of individuals interviewed in a survey believed it is no longer acceptable for companies to have a profit-only motive.

– 90% of executives felt a collective CSR-oriented purpose enhances employee satisfaction

– 80% of survey responders believe CSR enhances customer loyalty


Companies with huge turnovers are required by authorities to implement a CSR strategy. However, smaller companies are not legally required to contribute to CSR. Nevertheless, as evidenced by the statistics above, smaller companies can implement CSR to enhance their brand image, boost employee morale, and gain a competitive edge.

Implementing CSR is often guided by the realities of the companies’ communities. Businesses can make donations to other charitable organizations or take steps to bring change themselves.

Here are the most common areas in which CSR can be implemented: 

Improve the living standard of marginalized communities by making donations and improving access to utilities

– Put an environmental policy in place, and tie it with CSR activities. If the government does not mandate you to comply with rules related to reduced greenhouse emissions, you can simply begin to plant trees in the community. You may alternatively choose to reduce your energy consumption.

Help reduce crime and corruption, and work with local law enforcement agencies to enhance community safety standards.

Act as a social equalizer by taking steps to reduce social and income barriers

– Implement animal rights programs, and undertake activities that improve the quality of life of stray animals

The above list is only suggestive, and you can choose from various CSR activities. It is always advisable to choose CSR activities that are most pertinent to the communities in which you operate.

Regardless of the CSR activity you choose, you are bound to encounter multiple risks. As a result, all your CSR activities should be audited by third-party organizations. Most importantly, auditing eliminates inaccuracies in facts and figures and ensures better implementation of your stated CSR activities. Auditing may also help claim tax benefits and keep your ledger transparent.

External CSR audits help your company to

Manage extra-financial activities in a transparent manner

Reduce carbon footprint and enhance the sustainability of your business operations

Improve workplace safety and ensure the protection of your employees

– Keep all your financial records verifiable and accurate

– Ensure that your CSR activities fetch the desired results for all parties involved

CSR requires minimal effort with a cloud-based solution

Succinctly put, CSR activities help small and large companies achieve various goals.

Its reporting process may seem convoluted – and that’s where turning to external assistance for CSR management helps.

Companies like kShuttle can help you manage your CSR activities and help you sustainable and profitable simultaneously.  Contact us today!



If you are looking to cut diamond, you need to get the best wire saw from reputable dealers, then this article will help. It covers the main factors to consider when searching online for a company that you can trust to sell a wire saw that will be cutting with no loss of material.

Know What You Want

There are different types of wire saws that you can get from online dealers. They work differently and might come with varying features. Thus, before you start looking, be sure to understand what will meet your expectation in terms of performance. To be precise, you can use a sample cut for research that you will use to sample various companies and the types of products they have. If you are doing this for the first time, then you need to ask an expert to help you. This should be someone who has dealt with diamond for more than five years. If possible, they can link you up directly with some of the best dealers in the industry.

Create a Budget

As long as you know that you need the best wire saws in the industry, then you need to have a budget. Remember, different companies sell at different prices based on varying factors. Therefore, to avoid spending more than you can afford, you must start with a budget. When doing this, you need to understand that there might be some maintenance expenses and a learning curve. Some companies might offer considerable discounts to customers who buy more than one product. Also, in this case, you need to use a sample cutting for research. Take your time and create a reasonable budget since, without that, you will have trouble making the right decision once you start looking for reputable companies.

Consider Experience

There are different companies out there, but not all of them are trustworthy. A good company is one with cutting quality control. This is to ensure that their customers get the best cut using the products that they sell. Note that most new companies in the industry are not able to have elaborate quality control. Also, it is possible to find a new company that hires individuals with substantial experience with diamonds. Thus, before striking a deal with a certain team of dealers, besides cutting quality control, be sure to check their profile. Generally, an experienced company is one that has been in the industry for at least ten years.


By using a sample cutting for research, you can rely on credible online reviews to determine whether a given company is good. The reviews should be done by individuals who have bought wire saws from that particular company. Most of the time, you need to check the reviews with around 3.5 stars. They are highly likely to be from customers who took their time to ascertain the quality of the products. Finding a good company is not easy, especially if you are dealing with diamonds for the first time, but this piece will make the process a little easier for you. A good saw is one that will be cutting with no loss of material and will last many years without getting worn out. When searching the internet, try to strike a deal with companies that seem to sell top-quality products at reasonable prices. That way, you will be able to save money for other things that you need to run a successful business.

The creation of a company can be done individually or in a team. As soon as an idea is received, the team embarks on a critical analysis in order to deduce the feasibility of the project and the possible risks. The idea can stem from know-how, professional experience or specific training.

The importance of the idea for the realisation of a project

Starting a business should not be done in haste. Before taking the legal and administrative steps, you must have a clear idea of the basis of your business. The basic idea is the key to the future development and success of the business. Your business must be designed to meet a specific need. Before you start the actual creation, you should not get carried away by the first idea that comes along. You must keep a critical mind in order to delimit the strengths and weaknesses of the project. In some cases, you must absolutely protect your idea (product creation, invention, etc.). This is a way to make your efforts profitable in relation to the research done.

Starting a business: What do you need to know?

Once the idea is in place, the team would be ready to study the project. Before starting the business, preliminary steps such as market research should be carried out. This is a mandatory step to ensure the viability of the project in question. This study must be conducted in depth in order to obtain information about target customers and competitors. Based on these results, you can easily define the means of action to implement your project and achieve the objectives. After the market study, you can start the administrative and regulatory procedures to be able to carry out your activity.

Business creation: turn your ideas into a project

The creation of a business requires passing through several stages. A priori, you must identify all the internal and external steps to ensure the start of your project. You can call upon a third party to get an objective look and an external vision. There are obligations and rights of the candidate to the creation. The project owner and his team must respect the non-competition clause and the absence of unfair competition. Under certain conditions, the candidate for the creation of a company can obtain a right to training. You can also think about financial partnerships to support you during the creation.

As a new entrepreneur you are often overwhelmed and have many questions to ask. You also don’t have time to train or take a step back. Coaching is the ideal solution for all your projects.

Starting up a business is not easy

Business creation is extremely complex, especially in France. The creator must know how to interpret and select between the most important information and the less important. To obtain more information, it is necessary to contact traditional institutions. However, the entrepreneur cannot put all the information into perspective without the help of a common thread. The entrepreneur sometimes feels isolated and loses the sense of priorities. Hence the importance of being accompanied by a coach who will help you define a method of action. This considerably increases your chances of success. For more information, download the 80 tactics to develop your business for free.

Why use a business creation consultant?

The use of a business creation onsultant has very concrete advantages. Thanks to the support of a business creation onsultant, it will be possible for you to become your own boss while making your dream come true. The coach’s mission with the creator is first of all to listen to you. Then, he will give you all the advice and tips you need to succeed as an entrepreneur. He is not there to take your place or to decide for you, but earlier to point out your illusions, contradictions and unnecessary risk-taking. A professional coach is able to give you all the tools you need to make your project a reality and to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

The advantages of training on the company creator

In the creation of companies, it is the entrepreneur who benefits from coaching first. Being accompanied by a business creation coach allows him to make decisions without being too influenced by his emotions. Managers who have been coached during the creation of companies know, in most cases, how to communicate well. Even if there are problems encountered in the creation of companies, the coach will make sure to be a real guide. Thus the head of the new organisation can rely on the coach and his coaching approach. Moreover, the professional will also be a psychological and emotional support in the face of fears and apprehensions that may arise.

Knowing how to run a business is really very important. It is not enough to know how to command, a good company manager must be able to listen, to communicate inside and outside the company. No one is born an entrepreneur, you learn to be one, and every good leader has a mentor. The business coach can be a committed person, but he can also be a family member. How can the coach succeed in helping a business leader to fulfill his obligations?

The characteristics of a good leader

In order to be a good business leader, you need to follow a training course in executive coaching. Unlike a simple employee, the entrepreneur carries the whole company on his shoulders. He must therefore have the quality required to be able to achieve all the objectives. The good leader must know how to listen and assimilate. He must learn how to manage his time or learn how to cooperate for his company. The business leader has pursued long studies (communication, marketing) which will be considerable assets in his learning. For more information, you can click on Action Coach.

The mission of a company coach

The business coach is called upon to show the way for a leader. Once on the job, he has to learn from A to Z what the leader has to do in his absence. He must be on good terms with all team members and behave as a business leader to teach, and hand over to his senior when he leaves. He must learn to apply the art of communication, a major asset for the future of the company. He must do everything possible to ensure that the leader is able to bring out his ideas. He must also teach the business leader patience and listening, but above all he must learn to overcome obstacles and not give up easily.

The conduct of a good leader after the departure of the coach

One day, the coach has to go away and make way for the leader. The coach leaves when he is aware that the learning has been assimilated by the leader, who must be fair and responsible. He must know how to make decisions, how to listen and communicate. A good company is led by a good leader who knows how to stimulate his employees. The leader is both generous and humble, always listening to his customers and employees.

A coach is necessary to accompany you in your life by helping you either professionally or personally. It serves you to increase and deepen your knowledge on the topic to be coached. It is a personalised accompaniment of a particular person, either yourself or the manager of a company or a project. You can also have this type of person in the creation of a company. What are the criteria for hiring them to create a company?

The creation of a company with the coach

Business coaching especially on its creation is useful to improve the ideas of the company’s creator. It is not allowed to give orders but rather to propose methods and tips to achieve a good basis for creation. It can be useful for you to make the right decision and gain self-confidence. The good coach is the one who can save you more money and time. His goal is also to ensure that the company can pay the salaries of its employees.

The benefits of this coaching for the company

Calling the coach is in vogue right now. It increases the profitability of the company. The coach will be able to reinforce the cohesion of the teams in order to maintain fraternity and love between the employees. The ideas he offers ensure the flourishing of the company, because each coach has his specialty in each field. But it will be necessary to choose well to be able to reach the desired goal. So you will have to call upon several kinds of coaches and test them one by one, to take advantage of the skills that each one possesses. It can also be a preventive solution, that is, before a problem occurs, it can be remedied.

The process of business coaching

A coach’s contract can vary depending on the problem of a company. It varies from 6 months to years. Here are a few steps for the smooth running of business start-up coaching. First, be aware of the problems that arise: he will be able to stop the constraints that prevent the development of the business. Secondly, he will be able to think about solutions to be able to clarify the situation. Maybe he will have several remedies, but it is up to you to choose well and look for a suitable solution. Lately, it’s to memorize the proposed solutions that have been a gain for the company so that you don’t have to look again if another problem of this kind ever arises.

The success of the company depends entirely on the skills of the manager. Often, they have difficulty managing all the tasks that fall to them. Thus, to help them achieve their goals, executive coaching may be necessary. As one of the most effective ways to boost an executive’s capabilities while optimizing the productivity of his teams, executive coaching also offers other advantages.

What is executive coaching?

Also called professional coaching or executive coaching, executive coaching is a tailor-made accompaniment for business leaders and managers. This coaching can be addressed to one or several people and can have different objectives: conflict management, learning new skills or know-how, transition to a professional conversion…

Considered as a tool for leadership development, coaching enables business leaders and managers to carry out their mission, but also to embody their posture in a more efficient way. The coach is often called upon when taking up a position, but his support can prove beneficial throughout the process.

What are the benefits of coaching for the executive?

Initially, the use of executive coaching makes it possible to more effectively address the various issues and blockages encountered by the executive and, consequently, the company. The coach will first develop a program based on the weaknesses and strengths of the executive. Thanks to his know-how, he will be able to help you detect the flaws and the source of the problem.

The executive will also be able to assimilate new management methods necessary for the good development of the company: leadership and managerial system, time and conflict management, stress and motivation management… During periods of tension, the coach’s assistance will facilitate the taking of good decisions, but also the exploitation of potential and the development of self-confidence.

Benefits for the company and the staff

The executive coach does not only offer advantages to the managers, but also has many benefits for the employees. A motivated, competent and fulfilled manager will indeed be more productive, which will contribute to improving the individual performance of subordinates.

It should also be noted that this tailor-made support is an essential solution for optimising the potential of teams and thus promoting their productivity. The organizational culture will be effectively modified in order to create a more dynamic and stimulating work atmosphere. All in all, optimizing the performance of the manager and the employees promotes the company’s expansion.

Just like athletes, corporate managers set performance goals and are expected to deliver results. A manager can learn the art of management through managerial coaching to improve his intelligence, develop his career and his ability to lead a company.

What does manager coaching consist of?

Manager coaching has now become a common practice within a company when it needs to reinforce the performance of the manager. The manager is a specialist who plays an important role in a company: he helps the manager and his team to develop their potential. In order to accomplish his missions effectively, he must master many areas such as interpersonal skills, technical expertise and strategic vision. In order to be up to the task and able to take up the challenges of leadership, it is necessary to call on the services of a management coach. Coaching consists in accompanying the manager so that he can increase his experience and enrich himself with resources to better lead his team and achieve objectives. Manager coaching also involves understanding the context and the people in order to act more productively. During the session, the manager coach will teach him to optimize his interpersonal skills.

How does the coaching take place?

The first step is the meeting between the coach and the coachee. This phase will allow the coachee to explain to the coach the objectives he wishes to achieve. The coach will then study if they are feasible and realistic. During this interview, the coaching professional will determine the number of sessions to be done. On average, coaching is composed of 10 to 12 sessions, each of which is done in one or two hours. At each session, the manager must have an objective to reach. All of these goals correspond to the main objective set during the first interview. At the end of each session, the coach will ask the coachee what he has retained. As for the form and content of each session, it varies from one coach to another. It can be a discussion, a role-play or a simulation.

The cost of a manager coaching

The price of a coaching-management session is variable. Some coaches offer their clients monthly packages. In fact, the price depends on the objectives to be reached, the duration of the coaching, the notoriety of the coach and the position held by the coachee. What is important to know is that the cost of a manager coaching is often important, but it always leads to a positive result.

An essential element against risks in companies, the document is an essential step to identify and analyse potential problems, in order to set up preventive actions both on a technical and human level.

What is occupational risk assessment?

The Single Safety document is based on the identification of potential risks, to which the employees of a company are thus subject.

Once detected, preventive actions will thus be deployed, aiming at better internal communication but above all by giving a technical and organisational dimension, much more evolved.

The document is an absolutely essential step in strengthening safety at work.

The entire structure is built around a single document, made available to the occupational physician, staff representatives, employees, all social security bodies and members of the works council.

The information is totally transparent, with information circulating between the various persons concerned, with the aim of advancing preventive measures.

It is a collective act so that the results can be felt, with the full involvement of the personnel.

Why use an occupational risk assessment

The Single Safety Document is the responsibility of the employer, its primary mission is to guarantee the best possible safety for its employees, both physically and mentally.

By carrying out an accurate assessment of occupational risks, it will implement corrective actions so that the employee can work in better conditions, but also to contribute to the development of the company.

Contrary to certain preconceived ideas, the internal functioning of an establishment cannot be dissociated from the safety of the employees, the preventive approach aims at improvements on the economic and human level.

An employee who does not feel well at his workstation will naturally be much less productive.

If, on the contrary, he is accompanied by solutions for better prevention, he will feel more involved, thanks to the employer’s professional rigour.

This also avoids the accumulation of sick leave, which considerably slows down a company’s economy.

The Single Safety Document is an essential process to be implemented, establishing a classification of potential risks, from the most dangerous to the weakest.

Once defined, preventive action can then be taken.

An assessment according to the activity

For the drafting of the single document, it is important to show a very clearly defined willingness to engage the various parties concerned in the drafting of this document.

A very particular organization and an efficient communication will obviously be required for a total success.

In order to be very conscientious in the drafting of this document, it is necessary to choose very precise evaluation tools, there are moreover several adapted to the nature of the various activities, but also in relation to the size of the company.

The objective is to obtain an autonomous organization for the company manager, by perfectly controlling the risks linked to the company’s environment.

However, this approach should not be carried out in isolation; on the contrary, it must be accompanied by very precise supervision of the employees, who must feel involved.

This is why, for the drafting of this document, they will be directly consulted, as they are in the front line.

They will be able to carry out an effective identification, with various exchanges and privileged communication, during meetings specially dedicated to this purpose.

The ORAD is an indispensable step for the development of a company, it will lead to important strategic choices, putting forward the safety of each employee.

The prevention and protection activities for the personnel, must be assigned to competent people, directly appointed by the employer or by the works council.

Tailor-made solutions exist, in order to help small or medium sized companies, guiding them towards a very simple and very protocol use, on the establishment of the single document.

Much more than a simple administrative document, the company’s economy and especially the physical and psychological health of the employee are at stake.

The market research allows to define if the creation and launch of a company is interesting or not. This preliminary study will then be used to draw up a provisional budget and thus know with some precision how much to raise for the launch of this business and how much to borrow from financial institutions. What are the main lines of a market study?

Identify the needs of the targets

For any business creation project, the entrepreneur will always have to choose a catchment area. If it is a business, this zone corresponds to the location of the structure to be created and also to the set of targets with whom the company will interact. For a company, the targets may not be those in its catchment area but rather those in a specific field: medical centres if the company supplies medical products and accessories, motorists if it is a company that supplies car parts, etc. Identifying the targets is the first step in the market study. The entrepreneur will have to define his customers and thereby try to find out what their expectations and needs are.

Know the competitors and their strategies

A company always evolves in a well-defined field of knowledge or action. This can be the supply of educational materials, information technology, health… It is quite possible that competing companies are already operating in the chosen field of investigation and that they have almost the same targets as the company in the creation phase. The market study will then focus on the analysis of the strategies adopted by competitors to better attract the targets. Above all, the entrepreneur will have to see which competing companies have powerful strategies and succeed in convincing as many customers as possible.

The economic positioning of the company

Once all of this is done, the entrepreneur will be able to better define what his economic positioning is, always within the framework of his market research. The notion of positioning refers here to how the entrepreneur will present his products and services to attract the attention of targets. It is a matter of being original. The entrepreneur must be able to offer innovative services in order to make a name for himself and thereby convince the targets of the seriousness and reliability of the company to be created. The company will have to challenge the competition and attract a maximum number of customers as soon as it is launched. In this way, the company acquires notoriety in record time and will thus be able to develop efficiently.

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